Days: Saturday, June 2, 2007
Time: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: The Berkshire Botanical Garden, Stockbridge, MA
This interactive workshop / field study will focus on good garden design. Gardens are always site specific and context related making generalization at once difficult but not impossible. This is a group walk to discuss and articulate the design strengths and weaknesses of five gardens. The instructor will focus on the design principles operating in each garden. Participants will experience successful and historic gardens through observation.
In addition to three Trustee of Reservations properties: Mission House, Naumkeag, and Ashintully, the group will visit two properties designed by the instructor. Lunch will be at the Berskhire Botanical Garden.
Walter Cudnohufsky, M.L.A. is owner of Walter Cudnohufsky Associates, Inc., a landscape architecture and land planning firm based in Ashfield, Massachusetts. He is the founder, and was for twenty years the director of, the nationally acclaimed Conway School of Landscape Design in Conway, Massachusetts. Currently his firm is engaged in many diverse and stimulating regional planning/design projects ranging in scale from modest homes and grand estates to master planning for campuses and institutions.
Advance registration is required for all classes, workshops and field trips at the Berkshire Botanical Garden.
Call Elisabeth Cary, Director of
Education, Berkshire Botanical Garden, 413-298-3926, Monday through Friday 10 AM - 4 PM, or e-mail the BBG (